Wednesday, February 23, 2005

An overture for tortured buzzwords

While looking for advertising for my blogs, I found this brilliant piece of copy on the website of under "Partner Solutions".

"Achieve superior monetization for your site with our customized solutions."

Apparently the person who wrote this got paid by the syllable. Guess "Get paid with our customized advertising" didn't sound professional enough. The saddest part is that the word "monetization" isn't even used correctly.


Main Entry: mon·e·tize
Pronunciation: 'mä-n&-"tIz also 'm&-
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -tized; -tiz·ing
Etymology: Latin moneta
1 : to coin into money; also : to establish as legal tender
2 : to purchase (public or private debt) and thereby free for other uses moneys that would have been devoted to debt service
- mon·e·ti·za·tion /"mä-n&-t&-'zA-sh&n also "m&-/ noun

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