Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Box Office Blues

The Box Office is now in a "slump." Here's my recipe for fixing it.

1) All Hollywood executives should have to go to one movie where they pay the same percentage of their income for a ticket as the average movie goer does. The popcorn, candy, and everything else should be priced the same way. For fun, have 100 different cell phones ring during the showing, show 20 ads, and have a crying baby or two.

2) Let exhibitors see a higher percentage of ticket sales in exchange for lowering their prices.

3) WAIT for the DVD. At the very least, don't announce the date it will ship while the movie is still in a few thousand theatres. If I know that I can buy the movie for the same or LESS than two tickets (and rent it for far less than that) in only a few weeks, then why would I go to the theater?

4) Make good movies. Very few movies I see trailers for these days say "you must see this", at least not enough to make me WANT to see them in the theater.

5) Make movies for adults. Not 2 hour snoozefests, but good thrillers and/or action movies that work better on the big screen than at home.